

The book “Voar É Preciso” has a “Coffee Table” layout. More than 700 images, most of them unpublished, tell the history of eight decades of TAP.

The life of the airline is told through its planes, which over time have taken on the role of main characters in the story. Through their arrival, their strategic importance to the airline, the cities they flew to and the routes they inaugurated, the story is told of how these aircraft have helped TAP to evolve over the years and become a successful airline.

In this book, you will find a wealth of new and surprising material resulting from a journey through TAP’s own historical archives. From never-before-seen photos to little-known ones, to documents that provide a historical record for posterity of the career of each aircraft in service with the national carrier, its partners and even its predecessors.

Published in Portuguese and English, it has dozens of graphs, route maps, aircraft profiles, and lists the complete TAP fleet, with dates of the first flights, from delivery to the airline, to the first and last regular flight, as well as the whereabouts of each aircraft operated, even rare, forgotten, and/or operated for short periods models.

“Voar É Preciso” is the result of a transatlantic partnership between Portugal and Brazil, in this case between its authors. Yet another success in the history of the airline, already accustomed to these joint “flights” in Portuguese.

It is an unprecedented work in the editorial history of the Portuguese national carrier, which also describes much of the history of aviation in Portugal.

A book about flying machines. But above all, about the people who have been bringing them to life for already 80 years. It is also, therefore, a love story. For TAP and Portugal. With a note of gratitude to all of those who make it possible every day.


Rita Tamagnini

Director of Corporate Communications & Public Affairs at TAP Air Portugal. She has always called TAP aircraft home, and all her life she has had her eyes on the sky and has had a personal and professional connection with aviation. Author of eight books on the subject, publis+U422:W425hed in Portugal, she is a reference in the history of aviation in Portugal, dedicated to recording on paper memories with wings that are worth preserving for future generations.

Gianfranco Beting

Businessman, Brazilian, industry executive. He has always been involved with aviation and is currently publisher of Flap International magazine in Brazil. Author of 18 books on commercial aviation, he is also a photographer specialized in the subject and an international consultant on the industry.
Format: 25×32 cms, Hardcover
Number of pages: 264

ISBN: 978-989-666-515-9
Legal Deposit: 543865/25

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